the art of receiving

Dear Reader,

In the West, most of us are conditioned to value independence and to resist seeking or accepting help. Yet, learning to receive is as essential to our well-being as giving. It’s a skill, a practice, and, indeed, an art that invites us to open ourselves up to the abundance that life offers.

The art of receiving begins with this: allowing ourselves to accept kindness, support, and love without feeling compelled to instantly reciprocate or downplay its importance. To practice this art, we must recognize that we are worthy of care and generosity—not because of what we do, but because of who we are. In this way, receiving becomes an act of vulnerability, an acknowledgment of our interdependence with others and the world around us.

Receiving also requires a shift in perspective. It’s not a passive or selfish act; it’s an integral part of fostering connection and generosity. When we receive with grace, we honor the giver and acknowledge the gift’s value. This creates a space where relationships can deepen, where mutual respect and appreciation can flourish. By being open to receiving, we experience life more fully, embracing the support, joy, and love that come our way.

As Caralyne and I reflect on the meaning of receiving this holiday season, it feels especially poignant in our lives. We are overjoyed to share that we are expecting the birth of our first child any day now. The promise of her arrival has filled our hearts with wonder and deepened our gratitude for life’s most treasured moments. In welcoming her, we are reminded of the beauty in opening ourselves to love and the profound joy that comes with it.

We hope you have a very Merry Christmas, filled with warmth, love, and joy!


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