words on a page

Dear Readers,

In an era dominated by screens and digital distractions, there is something incredibly grounding about turning the pages of a physical book. Unlike the fleeting nature of social media posts or the relentless noise of news updates, books invite us to pause, reflect, and deeply engage with the ideas presented there within our hands.

This week, let's focus on the practice of reading.

try this simple practice

  1. Choose a book you’re interested in reading.

  2. Dedicate a set amount of time this week to reading. Even 10 minutes could inspire you!

  3. As you read, be fully present. Notice how the words impact your thoughts and feelings.

  4. After your reading session, reflect on the experience. Did you enjoy it? What did you observe about yourself?

The purpose of this time is to intentionally engage with the simplicity and power of words on a page.

May your week be filled with the joy of reading and the richness of new insights.

Yours in the journey,


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