The Moments Archive

Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service

unplugging for clarity

In today's hyper-connected world, our screens often act as windows to the outside, providing information, entertainment, and a sense of connection.

Dear Readers,

In today's hyper-connected world, our screens often act as windows to the outside, providing information, entertainment, and a sense of connection. But sometimes, they can also create noise, distraction, and stress, clouding our minds and diluting our focus.

Disconnecting from the digital realm, even for a short while, can bring a sense of calm and clarity. It allows us to declutter our minds, to tune into our inner selves, and to connect more deeply with the people and the world around us.

This week, let's experience the benefits of a digital detox.

try this simple practice

  1. Choose a time each day to unplug from your digital devices. It could be an hour in the morning, during lunch, or before bed.

  2. Spend this time doing something life-giving for you – reading, walking, meditating, or simply being alone with your thoughts.

  3. Observe how this change affects your mood, focus, and overall well-being.

While our digital devices can offer much value, it's essential to create spaces of silence and solitude, free from the constant buzz of digital stimulation.

May your week be filled with moments of clarity, of tranquility, of mindful disconnection.

With clarity, 


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Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service

reflections on time

Time is life's most precious commodity. It is both abundant and limited, flexible and unyielding.

Dear Readers,

Time is life's most precious commodity. It is both abundant and limited, flexible and unyielding. It is a canvas on which we paint our lives, a stage on which we perform our roles. Yet, it often seems to slip through our fingers, leaving us wondering where it went.

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to lose track of time, to get caught up in the urgency of what’s coming next or our worries for the future. But when we pause and reflect, we realize that every minute, every second is a precious gift.

This week, let's contemplate our relationship with time.

try this simple practice

  1. Find a quiet place and take a deep breath.

  2. Reflect on how you spent your time yesterday. Was there a moment you truly cherished?

  3. Focus on creating such moments today, using your time intentionally to make space for what matters to you.

This practice encourages mindfulness about how time is spent, with the aim to create more cherished moments in the future.

May your week be filled with mindful moments, of cherishing the passage of time, of making every second count.

In the present with you,


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Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service

celebrating wabi-sabi

In a world that often glorifies perfection, there's a Japanese concept that invites us to see beauty in imperfection and transience: wabi-sabi.

Dear Readers,

In a world that often glorifies perfection, there's a Japanese concept that invites us to see beauty in imperfection and transience: wabi-sabi. Wabi-sabi is about appreciating the simple, the humble, the imperfect. It's about seeing the beauty in a chipped vase, a faded photograph, or a weathered old tree.

It's also about embracing our own imperfections. Each of us is a work in progress, full of quirks and flaws that make us unique. When we learn to accept and even celebrate these imperfections, we can live more authentic, fulfilling lives.

try this simple practice

  1. Find an object in your home that's imperfect but cherished. Perhaps it's a worn-out book, a cracked mug, or an old photograph. Spend a few moments appreciating its beauty.

  2. Reflect on one of your own imperfections. How could you view it from a wabi-sabi perspective?

  3. This week, focus on finding beauty in the imperfect and transient things around you.

Imperfection is not a flaw, but a sign of life, of change, of authenticity. It's what gives character to the world around us and to ourselves.

May your week be filled with moments of wabi-sabi wisdom, of finding beauty in the incomplete and imperfect.

Always in progress,


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Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service

caring for our planet

Our planet, our home, is a dazzling array of ecosystems, species, and natural wonders.

Dear Readers,

Our planet, our home, is a dazzling array of ecosystems, species, and natural wonders. It provides for us, nourishes us, and supports all life. Yet, it's easy to forget this intricate web of interdependence, especially in our modern, fast-paced lives. We often take more than we give, disrupting the delicate balance that sustains us all.

Sustainable living is about recalibrating this balance. It's about making choices that benefit both us and the world around us. It's about understanding our impact and taking steps, however small, to care for our planet.

This week, we invite you to explore what sustainable living means to you.

try this simple practice

  1. Reflect on your daily routines and habits. Where do you see opportunities to make more sustainable choices or waste less?

  1. Choose one area to focus on this week. Perhaps it's reducing food waste, conserving water, or choosing more sustainable products.

  2. Each day, take one action towards more sustainable living in this area. Notice how it affects your perspective and your connection to the world around you.

Sustainable living is about making better choices when we can. Every action, every choice that respects and cherishes our planet, makes a difference.

May your week be filled with moments of mindful living and deepened connection with our beautiful planet.

With care,


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Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service

kindness as the currency of humanity

Kindness is a language that needs no translation.

Dear Readers,

Kindness is a language that needs no translation. It's a universal currency, valued in every culture, every community, every heart. More than just a series of actions or gestures, kindness is a way of living, a way of viewing the world and our place within it.

It's easy to underestimate the impact of a single act of kindness. A smile to a stranger, a word of encouragement, a helping hand when it's needed most -- these small acts ripple outward, often reaching far beyond what we see.

This week, we invite you to embrace kindness as your currency.

try this simple practice

  1. Each day, consciously perform at least one act of kindness.

  2. Notice the effects of this act - on the recipient, on the world around you, and on yourself.

  3. At the end of the day, reflect on your acts of kindness. How did they make you feel? How did they affect your interactions and your perspective on the day?

Kindness enriches us all. It builds bridges, heals wounds, and brings light into our world.

May your week be filled with moments of kindness, both given and received.



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